NRS 514 Nursing Organizational Leadership Presentation

NRS 514 Nursing Organizational Leadership Presentation

NRS 514 Nursing Organizational Leadership Presentation

As an advanced registered nurse, you will serve as a leader within your organization. Part of this role will entail being a change agent, and spurring positive change on behalf of patients, colleagues, and the industry.

Consider a situation you experienced previously where change did not go as planned in your health care organization. Create a 10-15-slide PowerPoint presentation in which you will assess the situation and the steps that should have been taken to successfully implement change.

  1. Describe the background of the situation, including the rationale for and goal(s) of the change.
  2. Identify the key interprofessional stakeholders (both internal and external) that should be involved in change efforts.
  3. Discuss an appropriate change theory or model that could be used to achieve results.
  4. Outline how you would initiate the change.
  5. Describe the impact to the organization if the change initiative is unsuccessful again, and potential steps the interprofessional team could take if the change is unsuccessful.

Make sure to include slide notes of 100-250 words for each slide.

You are required to cite three to five sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and nursing content.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.

NRS 514 Nursing Organizational Leadership Presentation Topic 4: Nurse Leadership and Health Care Policy and Advocacy



  1. Propose strategies to support patient advocacy in health care policy making as an advanced practice
  2. Analyze the impact health care policy on health care organizations and cost-effective quality care

Benchmark – Electronic Health Record Implementation Paper


Nursing technology plays a critical role in nursing and healthcare through improved quality services and patient outcomes. In light of the advancement in technology, nurses, like other professionals, are expected to equip themselves with informatics competencies critical to the provision of quality care to patients. Nurses need to have nursing informatics skills that go beyond simple data mining and entry. To this end, this paper examines the extent to which advanced registered nurses leverage informatics in the delivery of evidence-based nursing practice.

The Role of The Advanced Registered Nurse in Promoting Evidence-Based Practice

Nursing informatics is a highly technical role that needs nursing professionals with expert skills and knowledge of data and technology. In the United States of America, over 95% of all healthcare facilities use some kind of certified health record system. These systems are the backbone of the operations of these facilities as they influence the way practitioners and stakeholder deliver and manage healthcare (Bashir, & Bastola, 2018). However, these traditional health record systems are plagued with rampant inefficiencies leading to numerous medical errors. Furthermore, the inefficiency of these traditional health record systems impacts the provision of quality care for patients and the general patient experiences.

Nursing Informaticists help to eradicate the wide range of inefficiencies of the traditional health record systems. One of the critical issues that healthcare facilities have had to deal with is the problem of medical errors, mostly occasioned by wrong customer data/information. According to Ng et al. (2018), nurses, physicians, and other medical professionals rely on patient data/information to make critical decisions on patients’ health, interventions, and outcomes. Wrong information captured in these traditional health record systems automatically results in wrong decisions by nurses and doctors. The role of nursing informatics specialists is to reduce or eradicate errors related to patient information by transitioning patient records/data from paper form to digital format. A transition from the manual entry of information in paper form to digital records greatly reduces any chances of errors. The nursing informatics specialists must ensure that patient records/data are errorless. Nursing Informaticists have numerous responsibilities and pertinent skills required for the design and implementation of these electronic records.

The Role Informatics Plays in The Ability to Capture Data

In the past, healthcare facilities have struggled with the issue of the lack of an effective patient record system. America’s healthcare system, for example, has the problem of non-improvement concerning patient records. The Electronic Health Record- EHR is a recent and promising technology in the nursing industry with the ability to revolutionize how patients’ records are managed thorough nursing technology. This EHR is a system that allow nurses, physicians, and other primary caregivers to have complete access to patient information/data contained in a centralized system. The system provides authorized caregivers access to patient records which they use to make informed decisions about treatment plans and patient management.  

            CPRS is a computer application developed by the Veterans Affairs-VA based on the Vistas technology and architecture. The major function of CPRS is to avail easy access of patient information to an array of healthcare workers from an integrated system. The CPRS aids nurses and other healthcare workers to review and scrutinize patient data with the view of creating effective clinical decisions (Mosier, Roberts & Englebright, 2019). The provision of quality care to patients starts with accurate and timely collection of patient information. Inaccurate or untimely delivery of patient data directly affects the quality of care given to patients and the overall patient outcomes. Patient data safety and retrieval determines the efficiency of care, the treatment plans, patient diagnoses, and the implementation of appropriate care delivery.

Systems and Staff Members Involved in The Design and Implementation Process

Nursing Informatics must align nursing best practices with patient outcomes and clinical care. The most critical objective of nursing informatics is to improve clinical care and patient outcomes through the adoption of best practices. To achieve excellent clinical care, Mosier et al. (2019) argues, nursing informatics specialists are critical to processes such as the review of clinical workflow, process designs, creating effective treatment plans based on patient information and data, and developing new diagnostics. All these processes have a direct impact on the quality of care given to patients. Working in collaboration with other medical professionals, nursing informatics specialists create the best course of action for patients that lead to value-based and patient-centered care.

Nursing informatics specialists work to improve protocols, policies, procedures, and processes. A study by Jabour et al. (2021) established that data is the lifeline of any medical facility because all decisions are made using data/information. Healthcare facilities use the available data/information to make critical decisions about patients and the direction of growth of such facilities. Most importantly, information is used to evaluate and measure the performance of all protocols, procedures, policies, and processes in caregiving facilities. For example, it is the responsibility of nursing informaticists to measure the way all specific parts of a healthcare organization are performing with emphasis on patient outcomes (Jabour et al., 2021). Based on the performance of each part, nursing informaticists can initiate changes to specific parts to streamline activities. Emphasis is put on eliminating bottlenecks, reducing inefficiencies, and improving the overall care and safety for patients.

Strategies for Implementing the New EHR Proposal

Implementation of electronic health records (EHRs) is a driver for the improvement of health care delivery and the reduction of health care costs. Unlike in developed countries, developing countries face substantial challenges in adopting EHRs. The first step in the implementation of an EHR proposal is an assessment of a facility to evaluate its readiness to adopt an EHR. This step involves finding out if the existing infrastructure and other critical parameters such as training, education, and clinical processes have the ability to support the EHR implementation. One of the major reasons for failure in EHR implementation is the failure by managers of healthcare facilities to critically evaluate the need of EHR program before implementation. The most important factor to assess before implementation of an EHR program is the purpose of the program and why it is necessary.

The implementation of EHR system is a critical factor that require proper strategy before implementation. Some of the critical factors to put into consideration include strategic thinking, negotiations between different departments, and planning. A successful implementation of an EHR requires strong leadership that is dedicated to seeing the project through all its phases of implementation. To begin with, such a project requires the formation of a steering committee to spearhead the implementation process. In this particular EHR implementation plan, the steering committee consists of a project manager who may double-up as the practice manager. Similarly, the project must have an application analyst, billing advocate, QA test engineer, application developer, physician, nurse, and advocate.

Another critical step in the implementation of an EHR is developing the infrastructure for the information technology. An effective EHR system should have robust security protocols combined with quick disaster recovery strategies that guarantee users efficiency and less downtime.  An effective EHR system must support interoperability, safety security, and privacy.

Leadership Skills and Theories Needed to Facilitate Collaboration with the Interprofessional Team

In the past, healthcare facilities have struggled with the issue of the lack of an effective patient record system (Jabour et Al., 2018). The Computerized Patient Record System-CPRS, is an upcoming nursing technology with the ability to revolutionize the quality of care through proper management of patient data/information. The CPRS is a system designed to aid nurses and other authorized caregivers to have unrestricted access to complete and accurate patient data. (Mosier, Roberts & Englebright, 2019). This means caregivers have access to an array of information such as the diagnosis, the treatment plan, the medication, and other critical information regarding patients. The CPRS system is used to improve the quality of care provided to patients as well as boost patient experiences.

            CPRS is a computer application developed by the Veterans Affairs-VA based on the Vista technology and architecture. The major function of CPRS is to avail easy access of patient information to an array of healthcare workers from an integrated system. Besides, the CPRS aids nurses and other healthcare workers to review and scrutinize patient data with the view of creating effective clinical decisions (Mosier et al., 2019). The provision of quality care to patients starts with accurate, and timely collection of patient information. Inaccurate or untimely delivery of patient data directly affects the quality of care given to patients and the overall patient outcomes.

Implementation of EHR from a Staff, Setting, And Patient Perspective

Nursing informatics is a recent but critical specialty in nursing. It is a specialty that combines nursing science with nursing information technology to develop systems that improve patient care while reducing medical errors. Patient medical data has emerged as a critical factor in reducing medical errors and improving patient outcomes. Nursing informatics is a branch of technology that allows health facilities to efficiently collect and store patient data/information leading to improved safety, quality of care, and patient outcomes (McGonigle, 2018). This nursing specialty is critical to information management system in the medical field as it is the driving force behind development, improvements, improved decision-making, and better clinical outcomes.

Leadership Skills and Theories

In the contemporary nursing leadership context, healthcare facilities are becoming aware of the critical correlation between s strong team and better achievements of quality care and safety for patients. Furthermore, healthcare facilities are learning the importance of incorporating strategic long-term success. Hospitals are not just planning for current activities but are also creating long-term goals that will yield positive results concerning patient outcomes and quality care.  Nurse leaders perform critical functions such as problem solving, bedside care, dealing with budget constraints, planning for patient safety, and dealing with staff shortages. Nurse leaders must be people who can perform under pressure and be able to balance daily activities while still coordinating with the top leadership. Besides analyzing reports and dashboards, nurse leaders also focus on their people. For the nursing industry, it is critical to have nurse leaders that motivate the teams they lead. Nursing is a high-pressure job with high rate of employee turnover. Having employees that are happy, feel supported, motivated, and inspired can result in quality care for patients. It is the duty of nurse leaders to see that their teams are motivated to boost their performance. .

The Technologies Required in Implementing an EHR

There are many technologies that are critical to the implementation of an EHR. One of these technologies is a VAMC-Veteran Affairs Medical Center tool. A VAMC tool is a communication tool that coordinates the smooth transition between the Order Entry-OE and Results Reporting, RR.  Ng (2018) asserts that the process involved in the VAMC is critical because all orders, orderable items, medications, dialogs, clinical notifications, and lab reports are automatically converted into CPRS. This process is important because all patient data/information are securely kept since there is no manual conversion.  

The CPRS system needs to have a properly functioning electronic signature system to prevent any errors and mishaps. In a VAMC, all orderable items are assigned different categories of electronic signatures so that clarity and efficiency is always maintained. In this case, all unsigned orders in the system are automatically flagged down in order for the authorized and appropriate caregivers to take action. A VAMC is a tool designed to provide timely feedback on critical functions such as lab test results, allergies, existing orders, medications, existing consultations, and any other relevant patient data.


When health care providers have access to complete and accurate information, patients receive better medical care. Electronic health records improve the practitioners’ ability to make correct diagnoses, reduce and even prevent medical errors, ensure patient data confidentiality, and enhance access of patient data for effective and comprehensive care. EHR tool also allows interoperability between different professionals in the medical and nursing industry, thereby improving the quality of patient experiences and outcomes.


Bashir, A., & Bastola, D. (2018). Perspectives of Nurses Toward Telehealth Efficacy and Quality of Health Care: Pilot Study. JMIR Medical Informatics, 6(2), e35.

Dohan, M. (2017). The Importance of Healthcare Informatics Competencies (HICs) for Service Innovation in Paramedicine: A Mixed-Methods Investigation (Doctoral dissertation).

Jabour, S. M., Chander, G., Riekert, K. A., Keruly, J. C., Herne, K., Hutton, H., Beach, M. C., Lau, B., Moore, R. D. & Monroe, A. K. (2021). The Patient Reported Outcomes as a Clinical Tool (PROACT) Pilot Study: What Can be Gained by Sharing Computerized Patient-Reported Mental Health and Substance Use Symptoms with Providers in HIV Care? AIDS and Behavior.

Kim, Y.-M., & Delen, D. (2018). Medical informatics research trend analysis: A text mining approach. Health Informatics Journal, 432–452.

McGonigle, D. (2017). Nursing Informatics and the Foundation of Knowledge. [MBS Direct]. Retrieved from

Mosier, S., Roberts, W., & Englebright, J. (2019). A systems-level method for developing nursing informatics solutions. JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration, 49(11), 543–548.

Ng, Y., Alexander, S., & Frith, K. H. (2018). Integration of mobile health applications in health information technology initiatives. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing, 36(5), 209–213.

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